Simplifying everyday operations is one of our specialties
Technology, the economy and the competition are all factors that make the work of a business manager increasingly difficult. One way to stay ahead of the curve is to focus on your core objectives and let SouthWest Bank business specialists assist you with everyday financial tasks.
Cash Management
Save time and conserve staff resources. Our cost-efficient solutions allow your business to collect, distribute and handle funds more efficiently.
Remote Deposit Capture
Eliminate the daily bank run. Learn about a special scanning system that enables your business to deposit incoming checks straight from your workplace.
Resources for our business customers

Small BusinessSBA
Comparing Small Business Loan Programs Backed by the SBA
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) was founded as an independent federal g...

Small BusinessSBA
Free Resources to Start, Manage, and Grow Your Business
When it comes to resources available to small businesses, the first thing to know i...

How to Avoid Peer-to-Peer (P2P) App Scams
Where there’s a transfer of money, there’s unfortunately often a scammer waiting to ...