When the future arrives, your business will be ready
It's all part of the planning process. If your business has big ideas for the future, it also needs a way to pay for them. Certificates of Deposit are a smart, secure choice. SouthWest Bank's CD terms range from 30 days to 1 year, allowing you to create a savings plan timed to meet your unique schedule.
- Minimum opening deposit of $2,500
- Certificates of Deposit feature higher earning rates than most standard business savings accounts
- In general, longer term CDs have the highest rates
With fixed rates, you can predict with confidence how much your business will earn when a CD matures - Early withdrawal of funds may result in the loss of some interest income
Resources for our business customers

Small BusinessSBA
Comparing Small Business Loan Programs Backed by the SBA
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) was founded as an independent federal g...

Small BusinessSBA
Free Resources to Start, Manage, and Grow Your Business
When it comes to resources available to small businesses, the first thing to know i...

How to Avoid Peer-to-Peer (P2P) App Scams
Where there’s a transfer of money, there’s unfortunately often a scammer waiting to ...